Tuesday 29 June 2010

I Have Company...

...Or at least I did a few moments ago. I probably should of written that title in past tense but I have already typed it and I simply cannot be bothered to go back and change it now, I mean I've come too far and doing so would only make this whole ramble redundant. But I digress, I came on to mention that day one of my attempts to actually do some work towards my summer project were thankfully interrupted by my not-actually-related-though could-be-mistaken-for-my-twin-in-the-right-light friend Hannah. We didn't get up to anything overly productive, but we did attempt to research our trip to Paris a bit more in order to try and figure out just how broke we will be on returning home. But we soon came to the conclusion that working that stuff out is hard and that it is much less mind-hurty to just sit and watch films about talking monkeys and madcap inventors. But I'm sure we'll find someway to not spend all of our money....

This Ugly Mug + Disney =

The best holiday ever. Either that or I suppose it could equate to the most disastrous trip ever attempted by man, but I suppose we won't know the answer to that until we return home. If we return home that is....

Whoa... that sounded kind of ominous didn't it? I didn't mean to imply that we wouldn't make it home due to falling of the Eiffel Tower or being killed in a baguette-style sword fight. I simply meant to highlight that our complete lack of navigational skills will probably lead to us not finding our way back home. But anyway, I should probably go and try get some more work done, (as much as it pains me to do so.) So hopefully tomorrow I will have some crap-tastic images to show you of what I have done so far, though don't expect anything special. It'll probably just end up being a sheet of paper with the words 'I'm screwed' scrawled across it.


Monday 28 June 2010

And So It Begins...

I really have no idea was has possessed me to make an account on here. I imagine what I have to say is of little interest to anyone, not even am I interested in what I've got to say most of the time as it tends to be nothing more then random drivel that not even my own family members would be brave enough to endure. Even small birds and animals have been known to flee for hundreds of miles simply to escape my insensate nattering, and trust me when I say there is no sight more spectacular then an entire forest of wildlife fleeing for its life. Its like I'm the anit-snow white or something....

But still, the small voice in the back of my head is kindly pointing out that I have very little else to do with my days. So really what's the harm in adding another internet activity to my daily to do list. (Plus its another welcome distraction to pull me away from working on my summer project.)

Though I suppose I could be productive and use this blog to show some of my work and hope that it somehow encourages me to do more - but even as I type that I realise its unlikely to ever happen.

Anyway I'm going to cut this short and end my first post now as I could quite literally drag this out for days, I mean I could for example start going into immense detail on the bread roll I just ate, and what parts of my clothing are now tainted with its flour-y goodness....

But that my friends is quite clearly an epic tale for another blog, so until then.

Leaf, OUT